2. I truly believe in other beings(aliens) and have some serious theories about them, which is why I want to be high when they come...
3. Speaking of high, there is this weird hierarchy of drugs.. its like a class system of what you do. Like: crackheads are at the bottom, then speed on top, then shrooms, then weed, then coffee... if starbucks started selling drugs every addict in the world would gather at one spot! including porn addicts enjoying the free wi-fi.
4. I need to go shopping! but I am trying to be good until going to NY for new years BUT I think I can justify my ring and a purse as the accessories I need for my new years outfit, right?
5. I need to stop procrastinating!
6. Rihanna is on repeat and im not much of a fan... photographs, whats my name and all of the lights with kanye and kudi.
7. Worrying... Ca n'en vaut pas la peine.
8. Montreal for my b-dizzle, champagne and bong pangs. T minus 17 days.
this would be amazing right now.
this would be better.