Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lady business

For christmas I'd say i got a lot of crap and one small but amazing thing. My sister usually finds pretty cool things online and happened to stumble upon this gem, my new lady cup. I have only worn it for a day and already I am in lloooovveeee *singing in soprano*. Basically what it does is catch all of your blood in the cup instead of absorbing it like a tampon. You take it out, rinse it and put it back in, I found some literature on it on their website take a look if you want to know more. There is another brand called Diva cup that Im pretty sure you can purchase at shoppers. Its amazing because it is environmentally friendly, easy to use, and you save monayyyyy!

I got the green meadow limited edition cup, no big deal.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I think the reason i smoke is because i have these beautiful ideas and images in my head while I am that in my sober stages cant remember or dream for that matter. I am high, in hopes to dream again, and hopefully be able at least write it down, because the world could enjoy one of them as well,  and I could perhaps get disgustingly rich

Monday, December 6, 2010


This video is a bit everywhere so to clarify what bamboozeling is it is when a guy decides to talk up his sex and tell you for decades the things they are going to do to can't just get a girls panties wet like this and when the time comes go..."oh, I was just talking shit" and "I don't actually eat pussy, I was just playing around" WHACK!

I was taken aback by this because I didn't realize guys still said that stuff to get pussy. Anyways, it's sad and all I have to say is "NEXT!"

Laundrymat lollygaging

1. I like to put my jacket in the dryer when I'm at the laundrymat so it's super warm on my way home.

2. Is it bad laundymat ettiquitte to look at peoples clothes that fall on its way to the wash? I can't help but look at the clothes on the floor... I'm the one you see trying to make out the label on your socks lol.

3. I am terrified of staying there by night it's creepy! The basement is dark and there is no door blocking it off. Ever since I saw pulp fiction I've become quite paranoid, this scene is why:

4. Ive never liked that Nivea laudnromat song...

5. I hate when I burn my nail

6. The best way to get up in the morning is to have a good cereal that you are excited to go eat.

7. I am tottally doing a post on all my fave ways to make toast

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

thoughts of the day...

1. I had a whenever I see Eminem, I get a tingle in the nether regions.

2. Due date is SO funny! I'm gunna go see it again because it is honestly highlarious!

3. Why is there such things as bubble gum flavoured toothpaste? it is grotesque! I feel like my mouth just smells like ass cheeks and bubble gum when I use it.

4. Herps. I am pretty scared of getting herpes and a lady came into work today with a really big one on her lip and I wondered...are people not terrified of them? I keep a pretty close eye on my friends lips and although I have yet to see one on any of their lips I still steer clear from sharing.

5. The smell of backwoods on a man is extremely sexy...

6. I realize how I can control my brother. Although Im sure I am late figuring this out, I noticed whenever I have something he wants, especially FOOD- thats actually all I needed, he would do anything I ask. He would make me a tea, get up from his room and grab my headphones on the couch in the living room, get me the house phone, let the dogs out, all for some junk food!

7.  AWWW YEA, MY SHOWS BACK AWW YEA! let me share some amazingness with yah:

I'm kinda thirsty..time to work.

Friday, November 19, 2010



A serious WHAT THE FUCK!?! moment.

I am winding down my night, get in from work and took it easy, checked my facebook to see my friend Brit wrote "I smoked your roaches". Now, I........*WTF face*........what? you what?!where the fuck exactly are my roaches now?... That shit is not OKKKKK! I don't even understand how that could be ok to someone! If I damn well took the time to save all of them, why in the hell would you think I wouldnt mind if you smoked them?... it boggles my mind. But what killed me even more is that it didnt seem to occure to her that it was a fucked up thing to do because she say's they are "just roaches" now, I recall having some larger roaches in there as well so she damn well smoked good tonight. Roc was texting me about it after I had my text war with brit and asking why I was so mad and trying to mediate the situation and I just couldnt get my mind around it...I couldnt get past being flabbergasted at the fact that she smoked them ALL! every last one. I can't hear her side because it makes no sense at this point, my brain wont let me process it. So, I had to pull out meditation extreme! I had to light up, take a hot shower, masturbate and listen to my soul songs! Usually i only have to do light up and masturbate or hot shower and soul songs...I had to do all of them. I can't take too much stress, lawd.

sidenote: saw this picture and had to share..I was waiting for this moment for a long time.
So you see; men like bitches! Blame yourdamnselves.

I like trying new sativa and I am usually am under when writing on here, I also like to log how I feel when I am under so I figured I would share my feeling logs...when Im not too lazy.

Purple haze:
Sat. Nov.20 2010 2:05AM

 heart speeds up, you feel tired but anxious. droopy eyes, heavy jaw, things slow down and become beautiful, sex feels better; strokes feel deeper and stronger, confidence rises but in an uplifting accepting sort of way, pains dont hurt as much because your brains racing about so much else you foget to think about it. music sounds better; you hear beats better, The arts stand out or become more interesting, dont need to smoke too much of it, horny in a sexual exploration kinda way; feeling more creative. Good mood for going to hang out with some girls and just kick it. for hanging out at home and having sex, munchies are controlable. Doesnt leave you too disoreinted, its a bit harder to concentrate because your mind races, short term memory is good ( remembers putting toast in, shit like that) tolerence level is fairly high possibly because you feel more light hearted on it. you can feel in stages as it ware off...thirsty!

Keep in mind I write this while I am under.

thoughts of the day:

1. When people say "just friends" do they mean "can't think about screwing them"? and if so, is that why everyone asks "Can men and women really be JUST friends?" I think it's ok to THINK about having sex with your friends, its normal, its not a big deal...but that doesnt mean you would ever actually want to. Hell, sometimes I get flashes of me and some not so cute guys, even old guys..not a big deal

2. ever get too tired to finish things?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Daily Queries

1. Do you ever have epic moments where it shakes you onto a new page in your life? those HUGE moments where you feel like you are levitating looking down at yourself? they truly are amazing and well worth the wait.

2. I could read wikipedia for hours, I love random facts. I just wish I could remember them all.

3. Its so refreshing having a great conversation with someone and you are SO high and they SO don't even realize! You two are just laughing and you see how precious those moments in life are where you just feel joy that fun conversations do actually occur when you arent high...

4. My sister saying "I feel like I'm on the truman show, shits just too perfect!" and then proceeding to say "if you are listening I know what you are doing to me!" to the air...she doesnt even smoke! lmao

5. I have too many ideas and not enough motivation in life...if I start to post random videos, it has begun!

6. Life is wonderfully strange... I feel like there are always signs pointing to big events in your life and its up to you to read the signs and make big decisions, the trick is decoding the symbols before it happens so that you know how to make the right move when it comes. When you do it is most rewarding.

7. Why does time seem to speedup when you are having fun and slow down when you are bored? I hate that.

8. There are so many gorgeous Canadian women out there, my god! we are so underestimated over here. We do big things, having beautiful people is just one part.

9. Why do guys always get away with murder?

10. New beginnings are fantastic arent they?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thoughts of the day...

1. Do you ever wonder what you are saved in someones phone as?

2. I truly believe in other beings(aliens) and have some serious theories about them, which is why I want to be high when they come...

3. Speaking of high, there is this weird hierarchy of drugs.. its like a class system of what you do. Like: crackheads are at the bottom, then speed on top, then shrooms, then weed, then coffee... if starbucks started selling drugs every addict in the world would gather at one spot! including porn addicts enjoying the free wi-fi.

4. I need to go shopping! but I am trying to be good until going to NY for new years BUT I think I can justify my ring and a purse as the accessories I need for my new years outfit, right?

5. I need to stop procrastinating!

6. Rihanna is on repeat and im not much of a fan... photographs, whats my name and all of the lights with kanye and kudi.

7. Worrying... Ca n'en vaut pas la peine.

8. Montreal for my b-dizzle, champagne and bong pangs. T minus 17 days.


      this would be amazing right now.

this would be better.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

One is the loneliest number that you'll ever know

I'm sure a lot of you have felt alone at some point in your life and it usually happens after getting out of a relationship. When you are on your own for a while you start to miss the little things like watching t.v and jamming to music together. You realize that taking a shower with them really was sweet even though you always had to fight to get under the water and maybe you would have sacrificed a bit more sleep to stay up and talk about nothing at all. It really is the company you miss.. just having someone to talk to about random shit and doing everything you would with one of your girlfriends but getting sex too (I know some of you freaks are like "I do that shit with my girls too!" high five to you guys cuz I can't fuck my friends) anyhow, Jaysi said to me earlier that people lie when they say they only need themselves and honestly, She's right. Everyone wants to be about I and I, they claim not to need friends, sex, men, women, everything! but how realistic is that?... It's ok to have people in your life that you need, people who you think make a big impact that without them shit just isn't the same. I feel like girls beat themselves up over letting people in their lives- usually guys and then make facebook status' like "I should have guarded my heart better". Although you got hurt, and thats truly unfortunate, didn't you have fun? wasn't it exciting and interesting getting to know someone deeper and showing someone who you are? love is such an amazing thing and its so interesting how you can love in so many different ways. It is ok to get your heart broken, its ok to miss them, its ok to love..and its surely ok to want to be loved. I do however think there are points when you should realize if loving someone doesn't work and letting it go, which brings us to being alone. 

There are times when you literally just feel like laying down with someone and spooning, you feel lonely in the intimate sense. When you have done everything under the sun to suffocate that feeling you end up being just plain old lonely... your vibrator is an annoyance, smoking and drinking just make you horny which makes you realize that you want to have a sexy man lay on top of you naked and hanging out with your friends just isn't the company you want or need.

Well then ladies and gents, its time for you to geh summmmm (not where you thought this was going, I know) anyways, I gotta go shave my cat. 


Monday, November 8, 2010


I am the type of person who wants to try many different things, I am too curious for my own good but I figure that its better to be curious than apathetic about life. I went to the rodeo the other day and bought my helmet to start my riding lessons soon.. I am SO excited!! 

pictures of me jumping coming soon!

And oh-em-gee, I had an idea while I an enlightened state the other day and decided I wanted to make little videos of things that make me go "reallyy?!" in a wtf sorta way, this video is kinda like what I want to do.

I am lovin' this guy!! Shit has me bobbing my head...he is pretty cute too!

Freddie Gibbs - national anthem

Friday, November 5, 2010

Let a bitch know

So today on my way home I was still downtown at the station and I heard a couple screaming at each other because from what I could gather of the argument, he didn't give her a token?.. I dunno, anyways, so the lady kept screaming "watch when i tell my mom" (she was a grown ass women btw) and he would scream "I don't give a fuck, I don't care about you anymore eh!" and she goes "Good, cuz I'm fucking somebody else tonight, Im goin' to Mississauga!" to which point I literally burst out laughing on the platform with them and he screams "I don't care!" and so she screams something like "Im glad, and watch when I get your grandma's ass beat down". Now at this point I'm like she is going for the gold right now..she was so savage in that conversation I felt like I was sitting in their travel trailers dining area. Some really heavy shit but she had to let that bitch know who was boss. She also had to let everyone else on the TTC know by informing us all that she pays his phone bill and he better not ask her for $40 to pay it because shes not doing that shit anymore! loved it.

I always find when I stay home from work "sick" I do absolutely shit all..but when Im working a lot I have a list of things to do awaiting the day I can get them done and when it comes...nothing. Anyways, just wrapped up with Mary...get it? har har har. I am going to finish watching United states of Tara and go to bed. Why should you give a fuck?..hell, I have no clue but you're the one who's read this far.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fortune favors the bold

A Story That Could Be True
If you were exchanged in the cradle and
your real mother died
without ever telling the story
then no one knows your name,
and somewhere in the world
your father is lost and needs you
but you are far away.

He can never find
how true you are, how ready.
When the great wind comes
and the robberies of the rain
you stand in the corner shivering.
The people who go by—
you wonder at their calm.

They miss the whisper that runs
any day in your mind,
"Who are you really, wanderer?"—
and the answer you have to give
no matter how dark and cold
the world around you is:
"Maybe I'm a king."

- William Stafford